Module 1 – The World of Assessment

Everytime I am told that there will be a quiz or an exam or that I will be tested, it always gives me that anxiety. All I was thinking of is that they want to see what I know or how much I know or how good I am.

Doing Module 1 awakened me with a lot of realizations. Now I understand the perspectives coming from teachers as to why they are testing us and why they are doing it in different methods. Because before I thought that it was just what they like to do.

I was able to read about and understand how vast I can learn all about assessment. Now I am more informed of the differences of testing, assessment and evaluation. Although at times I still get confused but at least now I have more knowledge of it as compared to before I started this course.

Indeed assessment is very important, the results from it is what will help the educators develop their methodologies thus helping the students as well to further improve with their learning.

From good assessments as well is where students can figure out their strengths and weaknesses.

The discussion forums are so engaging that it enabled me to be able share my experiences in connection to the principles of assessment and to convey my thoughts on how important it is that not one of the principles be compromised.

I have thoughts before like “Why do I have to do good with these tests?” Back then I wouldn’t have any answers for my question but now after being able to read, study and understand a lot of things about assessment, it made sense to me in a way that those test that I find meaningless helped me to personally evaluate myself.

I am looking forward to learn for more.

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